Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Long Road Home. Day, 10. At Jo Ann and Dave’s.


We got up early and went to The North Highway Café for breakfast.
After breakfast Patti and I shook the dust out of our blankets in the van and remade the bunks in the van with clean sheets as we will be leaving here in the morning.

A Ride.

Around 10:00 Dave and I went for a ride along a real pretty drive along the north shore of the Snake River.


We saw several fishermen along the river; but never saw any of them catch anything.

IMGP1771There were also lots of drift boats and rafts floating down the river.


Back at J&D’s

When Dave and I Got home Patti and Jo were out shopping so Dave and I sat in the recliners and quickly were overcome by sleep.

The ladies returned around 4:30 and Jo Ann began to cook supper.
She made pork chops in gravy, corn on the cob, mashed potato’s with cheese, green beans and biscuits with home made strawberry jam.
What a feast!!!
Thank you JO.

TV the rest of the evening.

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