Monday, January 20, 2014

Kayaking at Jenner with Bob 01-20-14

It has been a while since I have been kayaking and I am recovering nicely from my recent surgery so I decided that it was time to try a little yakking.

I got to Bob’s around 10:30 yesterday morning.The weather was clear but really cold when I got there so we sat around in the house for a while. About an hour later we loaded the boats on Bob’s car and headed for the coast.

The car was running very badly by the time we got to Guerneville so Bob decided that we might be well off going back to his place and see if we could figure out what was going on with his car. By the time we got back to Bob’s place, the car had warmed up and was running normally. We turned around and headed for the coast. Again.

We got to Jenner a little after noon. As we approached the town we could see large waves breaking over the sand bar that has the river mouth closed.

We launched the boats at the visitors center


and paddled up river to Penny Island where we stopped and sat around for a while.


From here we continued up stream to Eagles landing. Eagles landing is a group of tall Fir trees along the west bank of the river.


The trees are very old and covered with Spanish moss.


After paddling around up river for a while we headed back to Penny Island where we pulled out on the southeast end of the island to take a break and have something to eat.


After eating and sitting around for a while we took a little walk on the island.


We went through a grove of ancient Eucalyptus trees


near the old milking barn.


The barn is still in pretty good shape with the stalls still in working order.


The barn has some small rooms in it. A couple of them have been “tagged”.



Bob checking out a geo-cash in a eucalyptus tree near the barn.


After our little walk we got back in the boats


and paddled out to the mouth of the river.


The mouth was closed but we could see large waves crashing on the other side of the sand bar.


We kind of blew it.
When we got to Jenner we decided to paddle up stream instead of going to the mouth first. That was a mistake since when we got there the tide was higher and the waves were going over the sand bar and into the river. With the waves, were many large fish that would get stranded on the sand bar between waves. 
The seals and sea lions were having a feeding frenzy snatching up stranded Steelheads and Salmon. 
Unfortunately, we missed all that action.

On the way back to the boat ramp we paddled along the north shore of the estuary. You cam see more of Jenner from the water than you can see from the highway. There are some very nice homes along the shore. 


Eventually we got back to the boat ramp and headed for home.


It was a very pleasant day playing on the water.


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