Tuesday, June 4, 2013

06-04-13 evening

We had a good ride today.

We went north of Moab to check out the views from Mineral Point.
The road to the point goes north off of 313 at the Horse Thief Campground turnoff.

It’s 13 miles to the overlook from the turnoff. The road is very easy and flat for the first 7 miles


to where it splits near some bluffs.


From there it is a little more interesting but over all most of the road is not very exciting.


Eventually we came to the end of the road at a small loop. We parked the jeep and had to walk for a ways


to get to the cliffs where we could see the Green River.


The view was very nice.


We stayed there for about a half hour and then walked back to the jeep.



From there we headed back to 313 where we turned right and took the next road to the right. The road goes to Mineral Bottom.
This is a hard packed dirt and gravel road that is almost like driving on pavement.

It was after lunch time so we pulled of the road and sat in the shade of a Juniper and a sort needle Pine to have lunch.


After just a few moments the no-see-ums attacked. We hurriedly finished our lunch and got back on the road.

The road leads to switchbacks that descend into the Green River canyon and Mineral Bottom.


There are several sets of switchbacks around the Moab area but these are my favorites



Patti says that the Shafer Switchbacks are as good but I like these better.
We drove down the switchbacks and followed the trail to the boat ramp so I could use the facilities.

From there we headed back toward the switchbacks to go back up them.
I had noticed a grove of Cottonwoods near the river on the way down, with a small trail going toward them. I wanted to investigate the grove so we turned onto the trail toward the trees.


It was nice and shady in the trees with a breeze to keep the no-see-ums away so we sat there for a while.


We reluctantly left the grove and headed up the switchbacks and home.


Both Patti and I were exhausted when we got home even though the ride wasn’t that hard. I don’t know if it was the heat or just the fact that we have been taking so many rides in the last couple of weeks. I don’t think we are going out tomorrow or maybe even the next day. We’ll see what happens.

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