Sunday, July 11, 2010


After spending two days hanging around the RV letting my knees heal, I was getting cabin fever so today we took a ride to the Winchuck River, to check it out for possible trout fishing opportunities.
We drove south on 101 to the Winchuck River Road and followed it east into the mountains. All along the river from 101 to the boundary of the National Forest are private estates with no public access to the river. Shortly after crossing into the National Forest we came to the Winchuck River Campground. We stopped there and walked down to the stream to take a look.

There were a couple of good looking holes and riffles there.

I watched the water for a while but could not see any thing moving in its depths.
We walked up stream and found that we were at the same place where we were a few weeks ago when we stopped to look at the river only on the opposite bank.
We went back to the jeep and drove back toward the coast a short distance, then turned right on a small road with a sign for a campground who's name I don't remember.
We followed this road along a beautiful stream stopping at the campground to look at the creek.

We followed this road taking several turnoffs to look at the water.
After a while the road started up hill away from the valley.

I continued to follow it thinking that it might connect with one of the main dirt roads that go north/south along the ridge. The
road we were on continued to become smaller and smaller

at times being not much more than a trail through tunnels of brush and trees.

We saw a Grouse on the trail.

After driving for about an hour we came to (That's right you guessed it)

(all together now)


Turning around we headed for home.

We did see some nice waters on the ride. Some of which might even have fish in them but I am not sure if they are open to fishing as I didn't see any anglers.

I will have to check at the local tackle shop to get more information.

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