Saturday, March 11, 2017

Montana Mountain Again.



Even though we had already taken a trip over Montana Mountain with Joanne and Dave on Sunday I thought that it was scenic enough that I should take the Wednesday Jeepers there for the last ride with them in this area.

The Ride

The trip was pretty much the same as last time, just with different actors. This post will be a little short as we covered the same ground before.

Here we enter this beautiful Canyon.


Saguaro’s in the Saddle.


After driving through the canyon we stopped at this spot for a peanut break.


While we were there we noticed a natural cave in the cliffs not far above the trail.


Becky was the first to investigate the cave.


Then Robert and I climbed up there to see it.


You can tell by the soot on the cave roof that this cave has seen habitation at some point in the past.


We left the cave and continued up the mountain enjoying the scenery.


We passed the windmill at Rogers Trough.


Further up the mountain we stopped for a view break.


Here you can see our back trail.


We stopped for lunch at a pull out off the trail.


Eventually we came to the switch backs which are always fun.


Patti got a picture of a Roadrunner.


At the bottom of the Switchbacks is the stone cabin.


Just a few miles further and we were out of the mountains.


We stopped at the staging area along side Highway 60 to air up the tires. From there we went to Coolidge and we all stopped at Pizza Hut for supper.

It was a fun ride again.

The Wednesday Jeepers are leaving to go back to Quartzsite in the morning (Friday).
We are going to take Friday off as we have been on jeep rides six days in a row and are worn out. We may take Saturday off as well.


We took it easy today. The only thing we did was to go to Walmart to do some shopping.
After Walmart we went to the Rain Tunnel Car Wash and washed the jeep.

That was about it for today.

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