Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Setting up Stuff and Happy Hour


Sewer Repair.

If you recall, when we pulled in and started setting up, we noticed that the sewer connection looked like someone had run over it.

Around 8:00 we went to “Times Three Family Restaurant” to have breakfast with Jo Ann, Dave, Jim and Doris. After breakfast I dug up the end of the sewer pipe, managed to get the old fittings off and replaced the broken stuff with some new PVC parts.


Filter Leaks.

When I connected to the water on Sunday I noticed that the filter was leaking. I decided to wait until Monday to fix it as I needed to buy parts. It took a couple trips to Herbs Hardware store. But eventually I figured out what I needed and got that fixed.


TV Dish Stand.

You may also recall, that when we were home I made up a platform to put the TV dish on.
Here it is; set up.


Happy Hour.

Every afternoon a group of our friends, have happy hour at one of their places. This time it was at Wayne and Carol’s new place.


Around 4:00 we went to their place to join in the festivities.
Lots of laughs.

Jo Ann had a great time with a flask of caramel flavored Vodka.


Okay that was Monday.

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